Think of fabrics like your friends.

They wrap around you and make you feel good. Better yet, they amplify your fashion statement, turning heads in your direction. Regardless of what is being pieced together, good fabrics always find a way of announcing you. Fabrics on have evolved over the years, causing rippling trends globally. From wool and cotton to jeans, linen, and silk, people have expressed their styles using fabrics of different textures. It is difficult to say that one fabric is inferior to another, as each fabric is unique in itself. However, one fabric does stand out amongst the rest; silk.


The Asian continent is widely acknowledged as the birthplace of silk production. Ancient China is credited as being the first place where silk was developed by Leizu, a Chinese empress. Originally meant to be worn only by Chinese monarchs, silk gradually wound its way through the then population and culture till it got to other parts of Asia. Due to its luxurious feel, this fabric quickly gained fame and was in high demand, enriching the pockets of Chinese merchants. It also found a new use as paper based on findings on, because of its soft texture, the white background against ink, and how well it absorbed pigments. With China being the largest producer of silk, closely followed by India, this soft fabric has sailed through regions like Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, and Bangladesh, to the Middle East and European countries like Italy, Spain, and North America.

silk encounters



Silk is majorly woven by an insect called a silkworm. These worms are cultivated on special leaves by silk producers. As soon as they begin to develop and spin the silk in their cocoons, they are then harvested and thrown into boiling water to extract long threads of the silk being spun by them. This process is called Sericulture (the process of producing silk). Silk has proven to be of more use than just clothing. Due to its luxuriant texture, it is being used in making furniture upholstery, bedding, and rugs. Industrially, it is included in manufacturing tires and parachutes. In Medicine, silk’s importance cannot be overemphasized. It can be used to develop disposable materials to prevent the transmission of infections. It also is employed as an ingredient for sutures after surgical procedures have been carried out and as an underclothing for skin diseases like eczema.


However, the chief function of silk still remains its use as a clothing fabric.

It has high absorbency and is usually preferred during sunny days or when a person is engaging in intense physical activities. Also, this fabric, according to helps to shield wearers from insects due to its tightly packed pores. Silk is one of the numerous fabrics that people use for many purposes. It is often more preferred, however, because of how easily it delivers in high-fashion dresses, blouses, shirts, suits, and lingerie. Also, this fabric has shown its huge relevance in many other fields, way outside fashion.